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Rejecting all secularists – even the libertarians

October 27, 2010

Perhaps the greatest long term danger to our country is secularization. There is an aggressive attempt being made from many quarters to remove God from our society. Typically we think of this effort as being made by the liberals/progressives. They have succeeded in taking prayer and Bible reading from our schools. They succeeded in legalizing abortion. They have filed law suits to eliminate our national motto, “In God We Trust”. They have tried to remove “Under God” from our pledge to the flag. They have challenged the public acknowledgement of our long honored holidays (holy days), such as Christmas. Secularization must be stopped.

There is a new enemy within however. He is insidious and dangerous. He wants unlimited rights and calls himself a loyal American, but he has no regard for God, the giver of rights as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. His twisted views proclaim that anyone should have the right to do anything, “as long as they don’t hurt anyone else”. Some will run to the side of this enemy of America, by failing to critically think about what America is and what values underly her worth and stability. If our founders believed that anyone should have the right to do anything, as long as they did not hurt someone else, they would have clearly stated their position. Instead they carefully listed a very few foundational rights and declared them to be God given. Then they limited government’s role to the primary task of securing those rights. The intent was to keep men free from an overbearing government and free to worship and serve the God who gave them their rights. This new enemy of America – this new advocate of secularization is the secular libertarian. He often poses as a conservative who wants to “reclaim” America. He puts on a deceptive cloak, advocating limited government, less spending and lower taxes. Yes, they are matters of great concern to the conservative and especially the Christian Conservative. However the secular libertarian advocates a legalized anarchism. He has no time for the Judeo/Christian ethic which has always provided a foundational moral code for our people as well as a sound basis for law.

Let America and her people beware of this man, who knows no morality, but that of his own choosing. He thinks the common good is found outside of ANY moral code suited to the nation. He would have no limits on abortion, he would legalize drugs of all kinds, he would allow for marriage between any pair or even group of people.

The Christian Conservative rejects the views of all secularists, whether they claim the added title of liberal, socialist or libertarian. This nation was built on a deep and abiding faith in God. That faith must be rekindled and reinforced.

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  1. Todd S. Nye permalink

    Dear Allen,

    Much thanks and appreciation for the thoughtful analysis and commentary. Please keep it up brother. Though I have received your regular mail publication on the family in the past, this is the first time I’ve seen this Conservative Christian Commentary. Am I free to print these and insert them into our weekly church bulletin — for the instruction and edification of our folks?

    Todd Nye

    • Hi Todd,

      I have been unable to give much time to CCCommentary lately, but you are more than welcome to print and use.

  2. Bruce O'H. permalink

    Thank you. I have been striving to dissuade people from the Libertarian siren call. Many Conservatives of all stripes are drawn to some of the Libertarians plank, while not looking too deeply into it’s entirety.
    You’ve laid out it’s most insidious aspect, which, truthfully, I had not realized until reading your blog, which was posted at AmericaCoast2Coast.
    Well said and well done.

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